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Le mie foto

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I miei progetti

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Ultima modifica:{{project.updateDate}}


Ultima modifica:{{project.updateDate}}

FotoLibro 20x30 Panoramico

FotoLibro 20x30 Panoramico

A partire da 24,99 €

FotoLibro 20x30 Panoramico

FotoLibro 20x30 Panoramico

A partire da 24,99 €

Stampe 10x15 cm

Stampe 10x15 cm

0,18 €

Stampa le foto, crea fotolibri e regali personalizzati

Foto e oggetti personalizzati

Occasioni Speciali e Argomenti Popolari

Nuovi Prodotti Fotografici

In Evidenza

Immortala i Tuoi Ricordi

servizio stampa foto online
Valorizza quei momenti indimenticabili

Snapfish è una delle aziende leader nella stampa fotografica digitale e personalizzazione online di oggetti con foto.



Lavoriamo da molti anni nel settore dello sviluppo e stampa professionale di prodotti fotografici e beneficiamo di collaborazioni esclusive con alcune delle aziende più importanti del settore.



La scelta dei materiali di stampa impiegati, i nostri elevati standard di qualità e un servizio clienti cordiale e competente assicurano ai nostri clienti che le loro creazioni siano sempre perfette.

Aggiungi un tocco di colore alla tua vita

La nostra missione è dare vita ai ricordi emozionanti e trasformarli in oggetti personalizzati unici nel loro genere.



Dai sfogo alla tua creatività, Snapfish mette al tuo servizio i suoi strumenti intuitivi e una vasta scelta di prodotti per realizzare l’oggetto personalizzato dei tuoi sogni.



Crea e ricevi comodamente a casa tua stampe fotografiche, biglietti d’auguri, fotocalendari, complementi d’arredo e album fotografici personalizzati con le foto indimenticabili della tua vita.



Esaudisci un tuo desiderio o regala un ricordo a chi vuoi bene con i momenti speciali trascorsi insieme. Valorizzare le tue emozioni, aggiungi un tocco di colore alla tua vita, stampa o sviluppa le tue foto online in pochi click.

idee regalo personalizzate

Custom Cards & Stationery

Whether for thank you cards or special occasions like a birthday, graduation, or wedding, custom greeting cards are perfect for connecting with loved ones and sharing news with a personal touch. Send personalized birthday cards, Mother's Day cards, graduation announcements, wedding invitations, and more with Snapfish. Our colorful, stylish greeting card templates are photo-ready and give you total control of design colors, font and font colors, card trim, foil options, and much more. Design fun, playful Easter cards or party invitations, birth announcements, save the dates, or birthday invitations to celebrate the biggest events in your life or the lives of those close to you.

Personalize Your Home Décor

Those looking for unique ways to decorate their living spaces will thrill over our line of personalized home decor and wall art. From canvas prints to photo tiles, custom pillows and blankets, and tabletop picture frames, Snapfish offers limitless possibilities to showcase your personal style and spruce up your home or apartment at an inexpensive price. Our canvas prints—framed, unframed, or even in hanging canvas designs—are ideal for showing off your favorite memories in a larger-than-life format, while our custom pillows and blankets offer a cozy, extra-personalized touch to any living room, bedroom, or kids' room. Look for special deals and discounts and add an uncommon dash of personality to your living space with Snapfish.

Custom Photo Books & Prints

A timeless way to collect one's most meaningful memories, custom photo books—in sizes ranging from 8x8 to 8x11 to 11x14—are both means to preserve and show off your family, travel, or wedding photos. Snapfish makes it easy to upload pictures, choose a layout, add captions or text, and make a book all of you will treasure for years to come. Our photo books also make excellent gifts for grandparents, spouses, and anyone else with whom you've shared adventures. Likewise, ordering photo prints from Snapfish is a great way to get those pictures off your phone and out into living spaces. We offer decidedly cheap prints in 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 and many more sizes—ready to frame or include in a holiday card or letter to a friend.

The Best Personalized Gifts

Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and other special events represent perfect personalized gifting opportunities for your husband, wife, parents, kids, best friends, and others in your community. Personalized mugs, wine glasses, photo puzzles, and photo magnets make for meaningful and memorable gifts, allowing you to create something that captures something unique to your recipient or even the essence of your relationship. Adding fun photos to custom mugs (especially our color-changing mug, AKA magic mug), magnets adds a personal touch you won't find with something off the shelf, and gifts like these are especially meaningful for those lucky enough to receive them.

print page name : home

print page url : /2/home

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